August 7, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 8/7/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 7, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 8/7/21

8/7/21 is the number = 20

Add the 8 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 20. Or 2 + 0 = 2.

Today is the Number 2 asks us to look at the negative thoughts that run around in our minds. Then to take responsibility for them and know that the mind is an endless maze that loves to loop over subjects in a choice to stop us from change and potentially getting hurt again.
But we have to learn mental discipline and self-control over those thoughts. Otherwise, we will never heal, nor will we ever grow.
PTSD is the process where the mind seems incapable of stepping out of terrible history and into the clear light of this precious moment.
Use the mind for what it was intended. It can organize, prioritize, structure, anticipate, do multiplication tables and all forms of math. It can figure out potential outcomes by analyzing data in ways that manifest things such as architecture and roads. But it should never limit us, define who we are, or make choices for our soul’s progression without including the heart.
In life, logic is never enough for survival. We need instinct, art, and love to feel filled and in alignment with a greater and more powerful life force energy that surrounds and astounds us if we let it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon will shift from the tender and comforting sign of Cancer while we are sleeping into the honor driven and protective sign of Leo.

Take time to appreciate where you were and how far you have come in a very short time. Take pride in the small actions of care you are attempting to extend to others during these very intense times. Express those dynamic thoughts in the kindest of ways.
We are headed towards a new Moon tomorrow and that is helping us reflect with an honest view of our life. While innovation and progress is required by everyone, remember to reach out when possible to those needing more care and concern.
Stay safe! We want everyone to be healthy and happy.
Mercury and Neptune quincunx and it will make concentration challenging. I know we are all tired of our mental focus being skewed, but such times test us to stay on track and to continue to get necessary things done.
Uncertainty destabilized logic and it also seems as if intuitive knowing is just not quite clear enough either.
Don’t let the chaos disorganize those cascading thoughts to the point that they seem unmanageable.

We can do this. But it will require more effort than expected.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Perhaps it is because I am a Leo that as the sun goes down, I am able to shed the energy of the past day.
Sleep calls and calms the energies from the day and allows me to rest, settle, and integrate.

As the sun rises, I engage the new day with a fresh perspective and hopeful eyes to make this day amazing!
Life is about learning to deal with the troubles that arise.
Sleep is about learning to let them go so they can be regenerated by the Divine Feminine into new forms of energy and possibilities.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The best moment in life can be right now.
Don’t wait for those moments.
Embrace this moment and make it memorable.
Happiness is not based on events or circumstances.
It is not outside yourself … but inside.

That is where happiness is generated.
Life simply says, “This moment is available for you to make amazing.”

Every moment in your life is a choice.
Never think that your happiness is in front of you.
Claim your happiness today.

Because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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