Numerology/Astrology for 9/20/18
9/20/18 is the number 4. The number 4 tells us that in the midst of great change it is important to pragmatically look at what is. We are all together in moving towards great change over the next 4 years and with great change you often find yourself at the edge of storm fronts. Imagine those big cloud banks that come across the plains and how you can see a wall of clouds and water coming at you while you stand in a clear sky. And where those two masses of air meet is the place at which we stand now. That front edge is chaotic, as two vastly different energies battle for dominance. One pushing into the other. Have you ever been at such a juncture in real life? Can you feel the power and immense energy that swirls around you? It is like being in the center of the Divine Breath. It energizes and enlivens you. With that energy comes a presence that awakens from deep within your core. You know you are standing in an enlivened point and that full presence is required, while you stand calmly and witness the massive power that is beyond your small mind. Staying stable and realistic is important. Having discipline and conviction even more so. You know in that moment that you are at the whim of fate and that you have to surrender completely and let go. There is no other option. That choice creates neutrality. That moment of clarity comes from recognizing that there are forces that control this world that are beyond your attachments and agendas. Your only choice in the face of such power is to hold the highest values possible in this life, to tell yourself the truth, and to know that regardless of what comes you are complete with this moment in time.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon continues in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. It is a time for some social engagements. Have some fun and get out of your ruts.
With the Moon conjunct Mars expect some people to make rash and overblown moves. Emotional conflict and anger is lurking around every corner so treat others with respect. Know that you might feel pushed into places you may not want to go. Keep your solvency and don’t let others manipulate you into places that are not aligned with your purpose. It is also possible that others may use compliments to hook your ego into an action that is harder than it looks. Don’t bite the hook.
With the Moon Squaring Venus, it becomes more and more clear the things that are wasting your energy and time. Look at your own personal goals and move towards them. Do not do the work for others that is really theirs to do for their own growth and development. Right now there are a lot of pots boiling. You will want to let things cool down before making any decisions.
I imagine that quite a few things are going to come at you all at once today, stimulating your mental energy into a real bring boiler. Stay cool, stay present, and keep a list running or you will surely forget something. Remember all good ideas have their time but this time may not be quite right yet. Be present and involved. Seek out the potential problems and actively begin to solve them.
Look for the signs from the universe that things are going to change. While this time has been frozen in a space of no-movement. There are indicators to give you hope that change will come.
Because so much is in flux, stay open to the possibilities because permanent decisions are not clearly there yet.
~Suzanne Wagner
Standing fast in the storm is the power of endurance.
Holding tight to what really matters is the basis of truth.
Knowing that you are not here for yourself
is what enlightenment shows you.
And peace comes when you simply
allow the flow to be your guide.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Your prejudices are your karma. Your fears are your karma. Your resentments are your karma. Stop thinking that you need others to change when you need to change. Those emotions are intense to get you to notice where you are still stuck. If what you want does not serve the greater good and everyone, then you are putting energy into something that will never really be of value in this world. Notice how much energy you waste in fantasies that do not make a difference. It is your life and your energy. You can waste it any way you like. But what a sad state of affairs if that is all you accomplish in this life.
~Suzanne Wagner~