September 23, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 9/24/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 23, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 9/24/17
9/24/17 is the number 7. The number 7 says that you cannot stop seeking truth. Especially in times of such covert, creative, and masterful types of deception that are happening in the world at this time. The number 7 is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is a tough task master. Saturn reminds you that things of value take time to build and that things that stand the test of time often have to be rebuilt over and over again. Saturn requires there to be structure and within that structure there have to be limits. That is because evolution has to have stability. Do you really seek to know or are you seeking to validate your prejudices and positions? It is critical thinking that allows progression in the world. Uneducated assessments only serve to pull progress into the places of no movement and collapse societies and governments. Democracy requires the people to be educated to a certain level of awareness otherwise those people just become pawns to those in power who want to use their own intelligence to manipulate those with less discernment and who only want to hear certain words to sway their vote.
Sunday continues the private energy of the Scorpio Moon but it is in its introspective void-of-course phase all the way to 9:01 PM PDT. With such energy, it is better to meditate or do simple tasks. Avoid starting important new projects or significant purchases. The Moon spends another day in the sign of Scorpio. A Mars-Neptune opposition occurring today is a rather confusing and potentially devitalizing influence. It’s hard to know what you really want or what the next step is. So, this feeling lost, afraid, and not knowing what to do continues to build. It will take all your personal skills and resources to maintain your anxiety to a level that is functional. There are so many unknowns in the world and a feeling like things are spinning out of control. And you are not wrong. They are. This is when you find your inner strength and you must become impeccable in listening to your inner self. Many of your goals that inspired you in the past seen shallow, trite, and childish. Do yourself a favor. Take time off, work quietly in some creative area, or doing something primarily for the benefit of others without concern for personal gain. That will at least direct the anxiety to a place that is more constructive than destructive to your health and mental well-being. You might feel the desire to escape important responsibilities. Become aware if you are playing the victim or the savior because this astrology exposes fake prophets and manipulative tendencies. Now is not the time to ignore your needs for rest and grounded spiritual practices. You can make plans to bring a better balance into your life. Later today, Mars and Uranus challenge one another, and there is some tendency to act on impulses and to take risks.
~Suzanne Wagner~


From Ralfee Finn’s Weekly Frequency in the Aquarium Age Magazine.

Significantly, this third Jupiter/Uranus opposition forms an exact square to Pluto’s position in the United States’ birth chart. Jupiter also trines the United States’ Moon as Uranus sextiles it, but neither of those contacts is as important as the square to Pluto, simply because Pluto signifies power and America is definitely wrestling with power issues—and not just along party lines. What’s more, the United States is also moving steadily to its Pluto Return which occurs from March 2021 until December 2023. As I have written about in previous columns, this series of Jupiter/Uranus oppositions has raised key issues that America is certain to face during that return: Who really has the power in the United States: The people? The government? The politicians? The corporations? Or a small number of extremely wealthy individuals who seek to shape the world according to their vision of what America should be. Pay close attention to how the disaster policies and financial compensation for the Harvey and Irma clean-ups reflect political, corporate and financial priorities. Also pay attention to how the people in those areas react to those policies. Those reactions will eventually turn into action.

~By Ralfee Finn~

“Being un-present
is un-pleasant”

~Ken Wolkoff~


All emotions are doorways to higher consciousness if you are willing to move through the many layers that need to be broken down so you move past the wounding or story and discover the more authentic place to stand. Fear seems to be the emotion at the moment. Fear is rampant in the psyche of much of humanity for obvious reasons. But sometimes fear is justified. There are those out there that believe that this particular emotion being expressed is some sort of un-enlightened state. But all pure emotions are access doors to truth. The hard thing about fear is that some fears are fabricated and made up as a manipulation for things such as attention, sympathy, or love. But the situations in the world right now are very real. And while magnifying the fear out of proportion is not healthy or helpful, pure fear is designed to wake you up out of that self-indulgent stupor of comfort. You need authentic fear if you are being stalked by a wild animal. Fear heightens your awareness and allows you to strategize quickly options for survival and movement. If you have lived a safe and comfortable life, you might not have first-hand experience with this type of intense feeling. It is never wise to push this type of strong energy and feeling aside. When you do you are ignoring a survival mechanism that has kept humanity alive for millions of years. Such a feeling is attempting to break through the lethargy and laziness of past habits and patterns and allow you to create a backup plan or strategy. Embrace the fear. Listen to the message or prompting. Then calmly move in a direction that creates the safety that will allow the fear to dissipate.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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