September 26, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 9/27/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 26, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 9/27/21

9/27/21 is the number = 23

Add the 9 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 23. Or 2 + 3 = 5.
The Number 5 teaches that learning through the mistakes and pains of life helps us become more grounded in this world and allows us to help others. Unstable people have a limited capacity to help others because they use up all their energy for their own coping processes and have no reserves to give to others.
When we do not deal with our own inner wounding, we end up using a lot of our own energy to hide our dysfunction.
But that also leaves us with a limited capacity to interact or impact the external world.

When we heal ourselves, we can more effectively heal others.
Being an example is a powerful tool for change. Once we experience being in the presence of authenticity that is kind, powerful, and compassionate, we know it can be done and we want to learn how to emulate that energetic expression.

While we cannot live without passion, we also die a little bit every day when we avoid addressing our own wounding.

The Number 5 gives us an opportunity to address that potential in a practical, earthly, and grounded manner.

When we learn to care for ourselves, we slowly learn to be more effective in caring for others.

In the negative of this number, if can make some people more stubborn and resistant to change. That resistance causes them to make choices that are not carefully considered but in reaction to avoiding more embarrassment and pain.
Some will tenaciously hold onto past patterns even when they are not working, out of fear of being embarrassed and put down.

Then the only choice the universe has, is to cause pain and suffering in order for them to shift.

This number is the number of patience that promotes healing and stable change.
It recognizes that while everyone wants to get their needs met, the journey of growth is filled with moments of intensity. That is an opportunity to be willing to make another choice.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

And as the astrology turns, Mercury is going retrograde and will be there till October 18th.

Do you ever get a feeling that a particular retrograde might have the effect of a bee under your clothing?

I have that feeling at this moment.

This one is in Libra the entire retrograde and while this sign wants to have balance, a retrograde Mercury during it is going to make already difficult thinking even more confusing.
Many things can strongly figure in the process and many communication patterns can be very tricky.

While we are going to get more accustomed to this energy over the next few weeks, know that often we need to look at the fact that Mercury can rule our “lower mind”.
That indicates that our baser instincts cannot be trusted. Nor can information from others.

Be more careful when negotiating contracts or dealing with documents, speaking, or buying and selling.

Pay close attention to the details. Stay calm and be aware that others being inattentive can end up being your problem also.
Meditation is a very good idea for the next few weeks. It is important to look at your life with very different filters and eyes.

Know that communications will seem problematic and rationalizing things may not work as planned.
Try to get back to nature and discover what nurtures your soul.

Mars and Jupiter minorly square and that will propel us towards those things new and unfamiliar.

But with the Mercury Retrograde, be more careful as what seems like fun can actually become agitating and bring out our worst side rather that our best.
There is a type of enthusiasm available, but that energy seems to promote questionable decisions and if not careful … regrettable outcomes.

Notice that the tendency to argue and react is much stronger than sane and calm engagement.

Know that misunderstandings are going to happen and while we are attempting to make major changes, progress seems paralyzingly slow.

Solve problems in unusual ways and know that the tension is still right there.

~Suzanne Wagner~


What happens when it all becomes too much?

What do we do when certain things are no longer a crutch?

We learn that life is never completely fair.

And no one is ever promised retirement in an easy chair.

Life takes effort and something bigger that faith.
Because any of us can die and become a wraith.

There are moments when we look back at our life.

And notice the places where there was so much strife.

Those conflicts helped us choose and define.

What we wanted and where we would draw the line.
That line became the moment that we chose.

When we refused to wait and see how something goes.

That is the moment when we stepped on a path.

And were willing to take on the upset and wrath.

Of those that wanted to control our soul.

And make stealing our energy their purpose and goal.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I have tried to love and tried to be kind.

Life is filled pathways to which we are blind.

We make a choice as the trail splits off.
We try to be honest when others get paid off.

There are moments when we wish we could go back.
Moments when things feel wild and out of whack.
But life is hard in addition to the passage of time.

Often things have no reason or rhyme.
That is why we have to make the moments magic.

Because otherwise life will seem too tragic.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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