September 30, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 9/30/2020 – Plus Astrology for October 2020

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 30, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 9/30/20

9/30/20 is the number 7.
If you add the 9 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 16.
1 + 6 = 7
Stay the course you have planned for yourself. The structure and strategy you have are probably sound. But you are getting some interference around finishing things up. Welcome to the club. While it can be frustrating, know that all things have their time in the sun and all things will wither away when their time is done. You will …. I will …. all things alive right now will leave when it is there time.
So rather than worry about that, it is time to go for what has meaning and value to you. Put your mind, heart, and soul into what you do today. There is so much that can be accomplished if we look to what our core wants to create in the world and stop worrying about how things will end or when they will end. Neither you nor I are in charge of the cycles of life and death.
However, it is important to notice those moments when they arrive and when one is coming.
Stand up for what you believe in and align with the goodness in the world. And let the love in your heart be the compass for your journey forward.
Then regardless of the outcome, you will know that you leave a path of love and compassion for others to follow when you are gone.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


The Moon is in compassionate, kind, and loving Pisces. But its sensitivity can make emotions strongly on the surface. Be aware that many are on edge and cannot handle any more small upsets.
The Moon sextiles Saturn in the afternoon and helps you prioritize and focus on the most immediate issues in play in your life.
This evening Mercury and Neptune get into it and the cross currents of these two may make you confused and disoriented. Know that too many are going to be in the mood to confront. Just walk away. It is not worth it. Sometimes it is better to move around others than take things head on. It is time for a more indirect path.
While the astrology today can make you feel as if you head is temporarily clearer, know that the details you take on may become more complicated later.
The Moon goes into Aries tonight preparing you for the Full Moon tomorrow.

Astrology for the Month in Brief

Mars in Aries continues to be retrograde all month (Sept. 9-Nov 13). It is harder and harder to get motivated and going. Notice what takes the wind out of your sails. The next month is going to be rough in the astrology. Stay calm. Don’t watch the news. Keep your own counsel. Your inner peace is more important than ever. We have all been through so much this last year. The radical changing priorities due to the virus, not knowing what is coming next, feeling out American values and way of life threatened or being taken away by uncaring leaders. But right now, it is important to make space for whatever is coming. And no matter what, the stage has been set on a global level that is heralding tremendous hardships for everyone. It is amazing how fast you can take function and turn it into hardship.

Venus is passing through cleansing Virgo October 2-27. And this helps each of us to continue to clear clutter and get organized. The future is tenuous at best. It is best to have some backup plans.

Also of significance is Mercury turning retrograde in Scorpio on October 13, then moving backwards into Libra on October 27 until he ends his retrograde cycle on November 3, Election Day. Know that these combined aspect make this a tremendously messy, controversy filled, and dangerous election.

The New Moon on the 16th makes a challenging square to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. I expect there to be demonstrations, riots, death, and tremendous suffering. This just adds to the problems we have seen all year. Global warming continues to become more real and will shift the tides and fortunes of millions of people. The world’s unraveling begins.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Know that all things
have their time in the sun.
And all things will wither away
when their time is done.

~Suzanne Wagner~



We start out October with a Full Moon in Aries, which will set the stage for the upcoming slug-fest of the election. It will attempt to balance out the tremendous imbalances of this global astrology for the first two weeks but I do not have great faith in it because while the Moon is a powerful influence, it lacks the punch that is needed to break us out of this negativity.
Though I appreciate any help at all at this tremendous moment in history.
Best thing to do under this reality is to pay attention to the things that matter most to you. And those things (to a Virgo Moon) are all about organization and structure. Details matter and truth even more so. Focus on that.

We are going to have two full Moons this month, one directly on the 1st and then one on the 31st. The first one is going to be in Aries and sparks that individuality and desire to stand up and stand for something. It is time to get up and get going.
What you are getting into will be completely up to you. While you may want very new things, there are many other astrological things pulling on you. It will be a trick to balance dependency and independence this month.
Mercury has moved into Scorpio. Just know that what you think and say is going to feel more intense than ever before to others. While this pattern helps you communicate on deep, emotional levels it will bring a level of discomfort (globally) to a whole new level.
People are scared and angry. You will need to be more aware of that than ever before. Be aware that Mercury will be turning retrograde in Scorpio and then move into Libra, on October 13th. Know that there are major mental shifts ahead. When Mercury goes into Libra, it wants to find some sort of middle ground and to negotiate to a reasonable conclusion for both sides. But with Mercury in Scorpio, it wants emotional balance in a fatalistic world. It reminds us that you need to be constantly emotionally courageous to deal with the insanity of some minds in this reality. You have to be willing to follow your personal moral code in all situations regardless of the information you are being fed from groups that are trying to corrupt your principals. With these aspects coming into play know that October is a month where those with obsessive tendencies will have the potential to explode.
Mars goes retrograde on the 9th so expect passive-aggressive patterns to emerge at expected times and places. Too many are wanting and intending to pick a fight. Know that many are planning and instigating problems and arguments to twist minds and inflame hearts.
The way through is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you are here to offer, and you just offer that, then the rest does not matter and does not influence you or even pertain to what your mission and purpose is in this life.
History shows us repeatedly that you can continue to do good deeds in a war zone.
Thank Goodness, Pluto goes direct on the 4th and as that turnaround approaches know even small things will intensify. Pluto going forward tends to lurch and when outer planets change anything, (signs or direction) you will notice it. You feel empowered to make deep, life altering changes. You are going to feel more insistent and determined to be a part of a major change.
Pluto is always about having the opportunity to shift the balance of our own karma from victim to influencer. Or visa versa. Depending upon your choices and course of action. You are coming on a moment in time that will shape your destiny going forward for lifetimes. It is a major moment and as such requires you to approach it with great care and concern.
Let compassion be the guiding principle going forward. You will not regret that choice ….. ever.
Jupiter will sextile Neptune on the 12th for the final time. Take a look at what you want and dream and see if you can make that a reality. It is all about the balance of proportion.
You have to dream in order for it to inspire you to take action. If you do not move from that impulse, then you waste a precious moment forever.
You have to manage your expectations. As I have repeatedly stated. None of us will get what we totally want. That total transformation is not possible under this astrology. The gap is too wide and the chasms are too deep. The divide is so enormous that we have two worlds existing in the same time and space. Those worlds are colliding and one will eventually absorb the other into its gravitational pull and power. Such power moments in history take time to unfold.
Lots of time.
Nothing can move quickly when this much intensity is battling out who is going to win. And the reality is that opposing forces will collide, converge and then be forever altered. Both will be altered. That is a good thing.
We are in a moment when idealistic and humanistic goals are connecting. People and perspectives from vastly divergent backgrounds are requiring us to broaden our experience and mind.
We are learning this month the difference between instincts and motivation. We will be looking that what is motivating certain behaviors and choices. And that intention … that impulse … that sparks that movement … that manifests as motivation …. will come under a microscope.
If you think you can hide the lie, know you will fail.
If you have dark and negative intentions, they are going to be exposed and brought into the very bright limelight.
Everyone has a higher sensitivity and stronger emotional radar.
People will be able to read the fear and paranoia that is inciting the negativity and the dangerous actions of a few.
The B*ll-Shi* detector in many has been honed and developed over the past 4 years to a new level of insight and clarity. Not much is going to get under its radar.
At the end of the month when the retrograde Mercury in Libra grinds things into dust on the 27th, know that you will feel as if things are slowing down and may seem to never finish.
You will feel as if you are eating ash from the fallout of venom and toxic gas from the Mercury in retrograde.
You will wonder if we will ever manifest any decision. Positions are going to be questioned.
Some will want to idealize the moment but they would be unwise to do so. More and more hidden information will be revealed as the cycles of an old way of thinking are being burned to a crisp.
Conflict resolution is something that is deeply yearned for but will not be allowed to manifest at this time.
We will be battling the over the top expectations from some of a future out of reach. While the ghosts from the past refuse to release us from their karmic grip.
By the time the Full Moon occurs on the 31st. Know that violence will erupt and an urgency will be being expressed from those that stubbornly hold to their own self-interest over co-creating a healthy and evolving society. This Moon is tightly aligned with Uranus and it is going to stir things into a frenzy.
Expect last minute revelations that are carefully constructed lies designed to corrupt and confuse.

Overall, this month is not comfortable. It is out of focus. It is itchy, irritating, and leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
Discomfort is the mother of change. Never forget this moment.
Taste the ash of the toxic hate as it burns itself up. And never forget.
Let the smoke of the fires that burn in anger tear through the non-reality. And know that you are to tell the story of this moment in the future.
Old Faithful may be burned and torn again, in this moment in history. But it survived 244 years ago and it still will wave in the dawning of this new day.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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