September 7, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 9/8/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 7, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 9/8/20

9/8/20 is the number 3.
If you add the 9 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 21.
2 + 1 = 3.
There is a way to move and flow in these times without feeling the tremendous highs and lows that we are all experiencing. We are in a tremendous time. One for the history books. The fates of so many hang in the delicate balance of our choices over the next few months. The number 3 is the number that attempts to break us out of duality into a place of clarity with kindness. Magic happens in 3’s. Angels and guides speak to us and repeat things and events three times to get our attention in this density. Notice if you have things repeating. Perhaps you see three coins on the road. Perhaps you wake up and the clock says, 3:33. Notice repeating patterns and try to determine what the message is from spirit to you.

There is the perspective from the first person, the “I”. That can only be labeled egoic. Doing things just for your own pleasure and acquisition is selfish and tremendously limited.

Then you try to take on the perspective of others, “the number 2”. You look beyond your own perspective into the perspective of another. It allows you to grow and see from a very new reality.
And the number 3 gives you the objectivity to see past self, past others, and into the place of observing both. From that place you will not get caught in desiring (the number 1) and compromising (the number 2). It is that objective state that is the most difficult to handle. Because you have to know yourself (the number 1) and be able to look into the heart and intentions of another (the number 2). Only then can you use that information inclusively rather than exclusively. And that will give you an advantage in “real world” applications.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon tries to stabilize us as it is in Taurus. But it enters Gemini at dinnertime tonight. While most of the day things seem to move more slowly in a sort of essential and plodding consistency, later on the communication increases and becomes more of a curiosity. Expect to handle multiple things for the next two days. You might be amazed at how much you can get done.
The Sun is going towards a trine with Jupiter. Everyone will feel a higher degree of enthusiasm but know that the unstable people that want to create more chaos will also feel righteous in their position and want to push their way onto others. The Mars in Aries continues to make everyone reactive, passive-aggressive, and move from their anger rather than their kind heart. You know what you need to lead with. Hearts are always better and lead from a place that has fewer regrets. Just know that major decisions are not advised right now.
Mars is preparing to go retrograde and it tends to cause confusion and indecision as it stops in the sky. You are shifting gears and trying to down shift. Be careful. Slow down a bit now before you will have to shift those realities.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Being prepared
helps you not panic.
Panic promotes
poor choices.
Poor choices can lead
to terrible outcomes.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Well our fire preparation has given us a test run. The fires in California have hit a bit close to home as a home about 5 miles from us caught on fire. And now a fire is burning (not towards us) but east and a bit north.
We are listening to the police scanner and our wonderful neighbors are working together to get the best information. If they bug out….so do we. We are in this together. I hope that this trajectory stays and keeps us safe.
In the afternoon we tend to get an ocean breeze that moves east. Which (hopefully) will keep us out of harm’s way.

Crossing fingers and toes that everything will work out. At the moment our van and car are packed. We are ready to rumble at a moment’s notice. Keep California in your prayers.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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