November 8, 2023

Poem – A Message Sent Out Returns As Something New

Poem – A Message Sent Out Returns As Something New

Amidst the whispers of the restless sea,

Our hopes and dreams, like messages in a bottle, flee.

With fervent words, we inscribe our destiny,

Letting it go, we free it from our own complexity.

The currents of fate guide those vessels afar,

We cannot steer their course, no matter our mental spar.

Yet as they drift, they touch hearts in their sway,

Bridging souls, illuminating paths in a mysterious display.

Some dreams are meant to be shared, to be given away,

Their purpose, perhaps, to kindle another’s sun’s ray.

Others demand time, skills beyond our present reach,

Patiently waiting for capabilities that life may yet teach.

But when these dreams return, transformed by the tides,

They wear new robes, carrying evolved shades from their rides.

In silence, we sit, and in their rhythms, we find,

Echoes of our desires refined and redefined.

The essence of our longing, in its pulsing embrace,

Reveals its grown stature, its evolved grace.

Once childish yearnings, now sturdy and sage,

Embody a purpose beyond our limited stage.

As we behold this manifestation, once born of our own whim,

It unravels a greater gift, a horizon we did not dream to skim.

In its presence, we glimpse a life more complete,

For we are a part of each other, in this intricate feat.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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