September 22, 2023

Poem – Learning to Write in a Very New Way

Poem – Learning to Write in a Very New Way

I am on a journey that I did not see.

One that allowed my past to be set free.
Writing the stories of my life.
Allowed me to let go of so much old strife.

The surprising part was to finally have someone to assist.
I have spent my life not knowing how to enlist.
Others to support me as I walked the line.
I had to be independent, and to that, I was resigned.

But a miracle that I did not know I had in my hand.
A friend offered to help me find a new way to stand.
Writing is a very personal affair.
One that I had always done alone with great flair.

But a friend who was famous for their writing talent and skill.
Decided to take a risk and open back up their quill.
This opened a door that I did not know how to find.
One that required two souls to combine.

My story found a way to be woven anew.
And I saw my life story as a type of breakthrough.
I began to see myself through new eyes.
One that was very honest and could tell no lies.

And that story allowed me to accept the truth.
That there were many remarkable moments in my youth.
Now it was the time to let that story be told.
From the eyes of an editor that was willing to mold.

The stories of my life into a metaphorical theme.
One that showed that one’s childhood dreams.
Can become a reality if one is willing to pay the cost.
And stand up for oneself, so that authenticity is never lost.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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