November 16, 2023

Poem – Let Us Waltz Through Life

Poem – Let Us Waltz Through Life

In the silent ballet of existence, I waltz,

A solitary dancer, embracing the winds’ soft exalt.

I reach for dimensions, a celestial prayer,

In the cosmic tapestry, suspended in air.

Beyond the corporeal frame, secrets silently grow,

We, ephemeral specters, in an earthly show.

Energy, we are, pulsating and aglow,

In the grand theater where life’s mysteries flow.

Life’s essence unfolds in the dance’s embrace,

A choreography of rhythms, an eternal grace.

Rather than succumb to fear’s bitter strife,

I choose the waltz, the dance of life.

In the dance, I find a sacred existence,

A remembrance that I am, a luminous persistence.

In the gentle caress of light, in the wind’s soft kiss,

I am reborn, a dancer in the cosmic abyss.

My dance is a communion with the universe’s core,

As I move, my spirit ascends and explores.

A metamorphosis, I can be tree or bird,

Bathed in light, with emotions unheard.

For myself, I dance, in the quiet sanctuary within,

Where the calm whispers of my soul begin.

A ballet of the self, where spirits soar,

In the dance, I am everything and nothing, and more.

I dance for the souls shrouded in the night,

Who cannot feel their own radiant light.

For those in suffering, I offer my might,

In the dance, I become a beacon, a guiding light.

With the ravens that traverse the boundless sky,

I twirl and leap, a dance that amplifies.

Joy and love, through each movement, I signify,

In the dance, I become a vessel, where emotions intensify.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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