November 16, 2023

Poem – The Tapestry of Existence

Poem – The Tapestry of Existence

In shadows deep, where humanity wades,

A pathway sought through life’s haunting cascades.

How do we navigate the horrors untold?

In the echoes of conscience, a story unfolds.

We stand and watch, a vigilant gaze,

As others dance with shadows for a fleeting craze.

Driven by greed, by the lure of gain,

They tread a path where morality’s strained.

Karmic threads weave destinies tight,

Yet, change awaits in the soul’s resolute light.

A challenge profound, a mental rebirth,

To reshape the contours of our moral earth.

Attachments cling, like vines to the heart,

Defended fiercely, tearing us apart.

The canvas of life, a mosaic to mend,

Each fractured piece, a story to blend.

In the tapestry of existence, we find,

Moments where patience and virtue entwined.

To watch, to wait, in life’s silent ballet,

For another to choose a nobler pathway.

Yet, familiar gates may not yield,

To the desires the mind has zealously sealed.

Lies persist, refusing to concede,

As we grapple with truths that the heart must heed.

In the dance of life, a rhythm unknown,

A journey where change is painfully sown.

Mental landscapes rearrange and shift,

As we traverse a path where consciousness uplifts.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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