November 24, 2023

Poem – This Season To Lift Your Spirits Kite

Poem – This Season To Lift Your Spirits Kite

In quiet realms where holidays reside,

Unique and personal, each soul does confide.

As years unfurl, a mystic shroud descends,

A whispered truth, as time’s veil amends.

Let the season waltz with you, gentle and light,

A tender breeze to carry away the night.

Beneath the flicker of candles so slight,

In hearts, righteousness blooms bright.

People may falter, and disappoint they might,

Yet, in this season, lift your spirit’s kite.

Storms of life, as winds may wail,

Hoist your sails, let hope prevail.

Within the cocoon of love’s embrace,

Let a silent song your soul grace.

Reveal thyself, a vulnerable view,

For in transparency, life begins anew.

Faces of dear ones hold a tender gaze,

A light from realms unseen ablaze.

Therein lies a truth profound and deep,

Courage found in promises to keep.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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