January 3, 2023

Suzanne’s Blog – A Quick Look At the New Year of 2023

Blog – Quick Look at the New Year of 2023


While this year will start slow, know that such energy is a gift for us to energetically prepare for the launch of the powerful forces into the Aquarian Age that will finally catch fire in March of this year.
Venus shows us this year that we are going to need much more freedom. But she is a bit wild in the spending area and you might want to hide the credit cards from yourself.

Mars is pointing us towards new directions and to embrace new ways. The energy is in alignment for rapid growth and expansion. Best be ready when it uncorks on January 12th.

Jupiter will show us all the places where we have been over-whelmed, over-wrought, and pushed too far. We are going to be noticing that we need to scale many things back this year.
Not out of fear … but out of understanding that we are all here to help heal this world. Pushing on others is not getting us where we want to go. That is why dropping in is now the only clear option to find sanity and a better balance with our life.
Know that Saturn will continue to break down the old structures with the force of Pisces’s water and we are being pushed into the center of the rivers of change that are now going to unfold.
Old roads will be washed away. Only to be replaced by new pathways that will allow us to walk barefoot through the long grasses of our life and be more in touch with the earth.

Uranus continues to shake the financial foundations of many things, countries, governments, and markets. Know that those things that are false and fantasized, will crumble. Those with rose-colored glasses on will find that the winds of change will whip them right off and they will finally see past their projected illusions of quick money.
Pluto will back up into Capricorn later in the year and that will give us one final chance to make the necessary changes before it is too late.
Chiron will point out all the places that we still are attached to our old pain. Insecurities become obvious and uncomfortable. We may find ourselves pointing out the obvious when we see the dysfunction still operating in others.
This is not meant to be mean … but a request for them to notice those chips on their shoulders and to drop the baggage they have been carrying for too long. In that way we are inviting them to join in this process of building a new world.

This is a year where more harmony seems to be the theme. It is not that obstacles will not arise, but our attitude to them is more relaxed and inclusive.

Authenticity is admired over aggression.

Compassion is growing and anger is easing up.

The tension is released and instead cooperation is attempted.

This year, the cosmic lessons are all around inclusion rather than divisive.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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