November 20, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 11/21/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: November 20, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 11/21/2022


The blackbird’s nest in the trees near the house.
A good omen for luck even if one is a louse.

Blackbirds remind us of the temptations of life.

They warn us of shifts and upcoming strife.
Their song takes us to other worlds.

They call to the clouds, so rain unfurls.

They whistle to let us know that the fog is on the way.

They are the dream that sings and that shares in our buffet.

~Suzanne Wagner~


As the air continues to cool, and the holidays approach. It is those little things that bring a brightness and warmth into our hearts.

My mother’s friend of 70 plus years, Lillian, just got the earrings that I sent her. She is recently in an Assisted Living situation as she is 90 years old and is having challenges with Dementia. She is one of the sweetest people alive and has been the best of friends with my mother forever.

My mom asked me to pick up earrings for Lillian while I was in Ireland. But I just could not seem to get around to doing that with all the hustle and bustle that was happening in my home for the past month.

I got them off to Lillian’s daughter, Gayle, and they arrived yesterday.
Lillian was just thrilled with them.

I think that as we get older, we forget to give small gifts to the elderly.
I try to remember that while they have everything they need, it is still so important to remember, that those that have given birth to us and have stuck with us through thick and thin in the most challenging moments in our lifetime deserve to be remembered, acknowledged, and appreciated in small ways.

It makes my heart happy, to know that my quest in Ireland to find her the perfect earrings … was a success.

Remember, those this holiday season that have offered so much care and love to us.

Do small things to help them feel special.

After all, we are all running out of time, and we never know if we are going to be here tomorrow.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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