March 25, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 3/16/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 25, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


I am a ruthless beacon of light.

As I watch and observe the human plight.

But I see past the illusions of minds.

I see into whether someone is authentically kind.

Too often good hearts go astray.

They want too much and refuse to obey.

The rules that govern this time and space.

They want only what they can take to showcase.

That they have arrived, and they want to show off.

They want the power so they can scoff.

At the others who have not learned to steal.

As much as they can or with the Devil to deal.
Here’s to those souls that refuse to bend.

To the demand of evils hateful trend.

To turn the minds of very good souls.

Into the poison that the Devil extols.

Drink not from the cup filled with the blood of innocents.

Never choose to become a willing participant

Of the path that leads into Hell.

Never fall under evil’s spell.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Call out the liars! Make them squirm.

Call out those whose agenda is to burn.

Those that care and those that have concern.
Such souls will never have true power if they refuse to learn.

I am tired of imbecils and those that try to find.
Something wrong with those that are smart and kind.

I know that we live in an imperfect dimension and plane.

I know that there are those that tear down others to gain.

But they gain nothing at all when they try to break the good.

They only carry more karma on their personhood.

I cannot feel sorry for them, nor will I extend a hand.

I do not help those who try to tear down others or this land.

I let them flounder and wallow around.

They eventually carry so much ego … that they drown.

They swallow the bitterness that they spew in their words.

They choke on the suffering caused from all their absurds.

Without a heart … their soul abandons their body.
All souls need safety rather than shoddy.

You can dress up a body and make it look good.

But that does not mean there is anything under their hood.

Too many souls have abandoned such beings and taken flight.

Because the body held too much darkness and not enough light.
Then they become walking shells of despair and wail like hungry ghosts.

And they become the vessels for evil’s hosts.

Notice those whose vacuous stares

Search for those they can ensnare.

With their lies that try to hook more souls.

That is their agenda and their goals.
Do not let such souls feed on your light.

Abandon them to their own karmic plight.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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