She had so many yellow ribbons in her hair.
That everyone would stop … in shock … and stare.
Each one was for a person back home.
Those that were fighting for all they had ever known.
And while they had sent her away.
She would not forget and created a reminder to say.
That others should also never forget them at this time.
Because a terrible leader decided to do the most heinous crime.
And while she was safe in the lands of the free.
She could not forget that they made her flee.
To a place where perhaps one day.
They could return and take her away.
Back to the home that she had known and loved.
Back to a place that was so beloved.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Some think that if we refuse to look and refuse to see.
That then we can exist in a bubble of plenty.
But that is a lie because we are all in this together.
What is denied one … always turns to terror.
One cannot thrive if one refuses to feel.
Truth is designed to shock and reveal.
That which those in power and wealth.
Do not want us to create a commonwealth.
Those in power are playing a game.
With the lives of those that they maim.
They care not about what they destroy.
To them … human life has the value of a toy.
One that they can play with and throw away.
They care not for our feelings or dismay.
They want to take all that they can.
These souls are monsters and see us as less-than.
Why do we allow them to take without regard?
It is not okay to leave this world so shattered and scarred.
Stand up in this world and yell an emphatic “NO!”
Simply refuse to fight and deal them a lethal blow.
If we refuse to take orders from devils and madmen.
We can stop the insanity time and again.
But they count on us following along like sheep.
They think we have no mind, no value, and are cheap.
I for one will not listen to the call.
Of one madman who demands it all.
I will stand up with those that I love.
And regardless of if he demands that I push and shove.
I would rather die trying to do everything that I can.
To stop the insanity of this madman.
~Suzanne Wagner~