Within the kindness of all hearts
Are those moments that stir up unknown parts.
Those parts that have been lost and hidden.
Those thoughts that were supposed to be forbidden.
We care a lot about many things.
We wish for a world with fewer strings.
Too often we feel pulled and pushed.
By situations and souls who want us to feel ambushed.
Why can we not find within this moment in time.
A world that finally wants a kinder paradigm.
I can see a world that could so easily grow.
One that would bring peace rather than sorrow.
But it takes all of us to reach beyond our hateful past.
And send out a line into the waters that compassion cast.
Within that lake lies a world of wonder.
One that hate could not pull asunder.
~Suzanne Wagner~
We have had some rain and I am deeply grateful for it. Our timing was perfect the other day when we needed to put in the part of the fence that had to be dug out and carved into the side of the hill. We were trying to then lay the fencing a foot down and then fill it back in.
Now, the rain will allow the dirt to be packed down by the water and stabilized.
Only three more parts of the fence to go!
But that was the hardest part along the edge and with the clearing out of all the brush and roots.
Today we are going to do another section. Pounding fence posts takes a lot of energy and strength. We learned last year (in doing the garden fencing) that at our age, doing a few posts at a time was easier than doing them all at once.
Aging is an interesting process.
On so many levels, it is a calmer and a more reasonable place to stand.
I take more time. I consider my options before I decide. I do not rush head-long into situations like I did when I was younger. I realize that I can still do all the things I used to do but I am just doing them a bit slower. And that allows me to enjoy them more.
Perhaps that is the bigger meaning in the aging process. To learn to enjoy the life we have left. To do it gracefully. To put ourselves as the priority. And to finally understand that time is precious. So we need to learn to appreciate each moment.
~Suzanne Wagner~