March 30, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 3/31/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 30, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Praying for peace and the hope for change.

Supporting growth and expanding emotional range.
We are to look at those patterns of humankind.

That can get caught up in ego and become blind.

Instead that blindness turns to rage.

And we unleash a monster from its cage.

If we deny that there are monsters inside.

They leap out in a way that we can no longer deny.

And in front of the world … we show all our pain.

And in one moment we can destroy all that we gained.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Being outside in the clouds.

Feeling the fog refresh my face.

Breathing in the fresh air off the ocean.

Touching the moss that grows on the tree trunks.

All things are soft and opening to the moisture giving life.

The banded pigeons watch from a safe distance.

Wondering what we are doing.

They patiently wait for us to leave so they can go back to the seeds that captivate their attention.

The quail march in procession cooing and announcing their presence.

The proud male at the top of the thorny berry bush standing guard.

The jays are the outspoken sentries for the territory.

They announce loudly so all can hear and know that the water bowls are full, and the goddess of the seeds has arrived.

Their morning routine includes me and I am a part of their dance.

I am a special part of their day.

I am a celebrated and included part of their abundant routine.

I am only one part in their morning celebration of life.

While the foxes howl close by … celebrating their own special morning moment calling to each other and announcing the joy of the morning sun rising.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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