The pathways of some lead off into the wild.
I watch them go towards what lures them beguiled.
I cannot follow nor will it fill that need.
Empty places will only continue to bleed.
What we seek is where we have lost.
We try to fill in those holes whatever the cost.
But there are times when as they walk away.
I know that this is where shadow begins to play.
We all must walk within our own dark.
We all have to follow our inner spark.
All paths lead to a place in time.
And some can turn us on a dime.
Then we end up back where we began.
Because each life has a game plan.
We will need to learn the lessons that call to our soul.
We learn to take the long way in order to be whole.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Mystical waves change the course ahead.
Timeless dramas unfold in a bed.
We look to those moments when life charts our course.
We cannot change the direction of this tremendous force.
We can look to a place where we surrender up what was.
We embrace this moment just … because.
Tomorrow will never be today.
There is no reason to doubt or have dismay.
We have this moment to be fully here in this place.
And we learn to allow this moment to open more grace.
~Suzanne Wagner~