April 9, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/10/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 9, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


The sorrow I feel for those souls in Ukraine.
Is so horrific I want to find blame.

For all of those who perpetuate the lies.

For all of those to whom truth is denied.

I know the hardest thing is to stay in the present.

And look honestly at what is happening without any argument.

It takes great discipline to not fall into the human trap.
And use the past to justify this current map.

Hate festers within and is attached to another place.

Whether it is some future ideal or a past perceived grace.

We have to own that the greatest danger to mankind.
Are those with so much power they have no need to be kind.

They feel entitled to do what they please.

And will destroy the world with the greatest of ease.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Today is a day where obsession can rule.

Especially in those that intend to be cruel.

Some cannot accept that they have failed and were wrong.

They refused to see that their actions herald their swan song.

They are attached to an illusion of their power.

And missed that this was not the hour.

To randomly take whatever they want.

And instead realize that the deaths they cause will forever haunt.

Their soul will not recover and the clock ticks away.

Their ego overstretched and their own people they did betray.

Without the clarity of mind and the reality of truth.

They will never recapture the dreams of their youth.

And now they are trapped in a domain of karmic pain.

That they will not see the enlightened potential of being human again.

That is because such a horrific karmic load.

Is a debt so heavy and it is now bestowed.

Upon many souls who will never escape.

And this karmic debt with forever shape.

Who they are and what they will become.
Because they allowed their ego to run.

And move to a place where evil has forever thrived.

As their darkness ate away at the good inside.

~Suzanne Wagner~



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