March 31, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/1/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 31, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


I marvel at some forms of courage. The type that no one sees.

The type that does what is necessary.

We have within us a light so bright.

And it knows what is wrong and what is right.

When a moment appears and presents a request.

That is when life presents the greatest test.

A test to see if fear will rule the day.

A test to see if the ego will have greater sway.

Over the soul who knows what is right.

And that soul does not let the ego cause a fight.

~Suzanne Wagner~




I can imagine the bravery that we do not see.

Even with all this media and technology.

It is in the small gestures that greatest solace is found.
It is in saving one life … that hope can rebound.

Regrets come when we did not do what we should.

And our ego forced us to ignore our impulse to do good.

Kindness comes when we look through compassionate eyes.

Caring overrides any rules when what is right is denied.

I try to keep an open heart

I intend to make my words into idealistic art.

While none of us are perfect, we need to learn … not to fear.
We cannot save the world if we are not fully here.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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