It is hard to turn the other cheek.
It is painful to be labeled a geek.
But we all will feel as if we do not belong.
We will all experience those that cannot hear our song.
~Suzanne Wagner~
While the fence is 95% finished and it is at least working to keep the deer out, it was time for some beautification to happen.
I had bought some butterfly bushes to put at the edge of the new and extended fence. But the ground in that area is shale and it has a lot of clay in it. So, the next step was to dig big holes and put in great dirt, kelp, and some yummy emoluments for the soil to give the plants their best shot at being fabulous.
But digging large holes in clay soil takes effort.
Thank goodness for a husband that was an organic gardener and who knows how to do all that and has the strength to take a pick and chip away at the rocky ground to make nice holes for the new additions to our yard. So, five big holes later … and many bags of dirt, steer manure and kelp. We managed to get some of the plants into the ground and watered so they could settle into their new home.
I always try to do things that support the butterflies, the birds, and the hummingbirds.
I try to create variety and color that is attractive to those creatures that are helped along the way in a world that keeps trying to break the natural order and flow.
I planted some things that are deer resistant but that are also beautiful.
Over the years and the slow progression of trial and error, I have managed to create a garden that has attracted the beautiful birds that we love to watch.
Every evening when we get into the hot tub, we watch the hummingbird channel.
That is a joke … because I have six hummingbird feeders and in the evening, they all roll in for the last feed as the sun is setting.
I just love the hummingbird channel. It makes me laugh at their antics, their play fighting, their dive bomber mentality, their agitated chirps, and feigned arguments.
At this point we have at least 25 hummingbirds all together. And five golden Rufus hummingbirds.
Gardening is something that while it is for us on a deeply personal level. It is really something for all the birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and other critters that wander in.
Creating spaces that hold an energy like an oasis in the redwood forest is something that evolves as I learn and grow.
I have made many mistakes and have had to redo things quite often when some plants decided to take over … or failed miserably. But it is a journey to discover what will thrive and survive in this world of great trees.
Sometimes I look at this land from the eyes of a bird and I wonder what it looks like from their vantage point.
This green and colorful patch of ground at the top of a ridge, surrounded by wildness, and yet inviting.
Gardens are a journey of self-discovery. They are a personal and private space that is shared with nature.
It is where Mother Nature allows us to create and sculpt on her body and hopefully make a shift that will bring more life and aliveness into a space.
I like to think of it as if I am placing a small jewel on the necklace of the goddess. I am cutting that jewel, and carefully placing it so the light catches it just perfectly. So that love, life, and light, shine brightly for a tiny moment in time.
~Suzanne Wagner~