Be at peace, listen to the swells.
Be a soul that brings music to the bells.
Let your life become the song you carry.
Let your smile be like a magical fairy.
May all you touch open their eyes a bit more.
And may all your steps move you closer to that familiar shore.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Meeting with friends and thinking still of the years past.
Seeing us all aging and knowing that nothing material really lasts.
Embracing the limitations that grow in our bones.
Knowing that our spirit and soul do not need a chaperone.
Freedom is an essence that exists beyond time.
It is part of the light that constantly within shines.
I know that the waves of change will continue to hit the shores.
I know that humanity will continue to wage wars.
All I know is that this is not all there is.
And this mind cannot comprehend all the complex analyses.
That is why, while I adore this current life.
I know that so much exists beyond the wildlife.
What is this now … is just a reflection in a mirror.
The confusion will not improve if you get nearer.
That is because who and what we are is so bright.
That it cannot be contained in the density of this night.
We continue to exist in places this mind knows not.
We are just in this time temporarily caught.
~Suzanne Wagner~