Letting the music take over the soul.
Allowing others to laugh and get out of control.
Being free and becoming one with the land.
Allowing the earths spin to control and command.
We are a part of this spinning moment in space.
It is through connection that we find quiet grace.
Follow your heart and see where it leads.
That is how we discover magic and plant new seeds.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Glen and I are off to the 45th Summer Arts & Music Festival at County Line Ranch. My husband is playing music with his band the “Cosmic Family Band” on Saturday and Sunday.
We have been putting camping stuff together to be there for one night and one and a half days. Should be fun.
It is always nice to be by the river and the weather is supposed to be cool. It might even rain on Friday. I am always grateful when the weather is cool in the summer because I do not do well in heat.
At least in northern California it will not be so blistering hot, and we will be by the river … so that keeps the options open … as I can jump in the river if I get too hot.
I am looking forward to being in a group of artists, musicians, and lovers of both. We are all very hungry for any forms of gathering and connecting on genuine heart levels.
Wishing everyone a chance to enjoy nature and to be with friends. Sending out good vibrations for healthy engagements with others.
~Suzanne Wagner~