June 23, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 6/24/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 23, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


I am preparing to go on my trip to Utah.
I am listening to the raven’s caw.
The sounds of home still greet the day.

The connection of another home calls me to play.

~Suzanne Wagner~


As we have finished redoing all the old redwood on the deck … there are always more things that seem to arise. We have some beautiful, really old, redwood that forms the corner to our outdoor shower. We wanted to sand it and seal it because it is so beautiful. This redwood has been outside for over 30 years. As we sanded it and then attempted to stain it all the tannins came out of the wood and made dots on our new stain.

This is where my husband took a breath and tried to figure out what to do and called all the experts and it was those that work with redwood that told him what to use to take those tannins out and make it so it did not have dots.

That product had to be ordered and is arriving today.

Then the back wall of the deck suddenly looked terrible after the deck looks all beautiful, so he then decided to paint that wall as it gets the brunt of the wind and rain.

Life is a constant project. Everything in life needs constant work and upgrades. Even us. We are no different. We must adjust our diet, our exercise, our choices, our responses, our actions, etc. Without that ability to adapt, surrender, accept, and embrace the moment, we can make ourselves pretty miserable.

Flexibility is the key to happiness.

Trust in the process is the basis for inner peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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