Never put a blanket over your light.
Never think those that have the power and might.
Are any better than a simple soul.
Because power is not the end … nor the goal.
Those that tell the truth in a society of lies …
Are the enemy to those who want only hate to disguise.
What they are within … their rotting core.
Notice that and never ignore.
What is deep and hidden in such souls.
Never listen to opinions or polls.
Such things are there for those whose egos need validation to divide.
They use those things to deceive and deny.
It is such a waste of a precious life.
To fuel only more suffering and strife.
Better to be simple and kind.
And never respond to those in such a frame of mind.
That is because when such energy is set in stone.
Those ideas will not be quickly disowned.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The garden is in full bloom. Tomatoes are beginning with the Early Girl variety. Artichokes are super happy.
Asparagus is gaining its footing.
Rhubarb is making headway more in establishing its roots than stalks, but it is still very green and happy.
We are eating salad every day.
The kale is the sweetest I have managed to grow. I just love this particular variety.
We are nibbling on blueberries and the strawberries are making great headway finally (now that the bears can’t get in to raid the stash).
I got a special gift today from a dear friend and client. A beautiful teal blue Afghan. It is such a special gift. One that takes tremendous time and effort. Afghans are expressions of love and something to be treasured forever. Such a unique gift is one that reminds us that when we listen and are kind to others, that those are the things that will carry us forward in difficult moments.
When I am feeling down, all I have to do is to wrap myself in that Afghan and know that I am safe, loved, and that I too will make it through the difficult cycles in life.
I am going to attempt to catch the cats next week and get them fixed. But they are not cooperating at the moment and seem hidden and aloof.
All I can do is try.
That is the process of life. Just do your best and have a positive attitude and a good intention.
Keep the faith that life will give us the opportunities to grow and thrive.
Remember that what is external to the self is mostly an illusion and a manifestation of many egos trying to be special.
And know that they only do that because they have forgotten the uniqueness of who they are deep down, and those souls just got lost (temporarily) in the density of these earthly realms and the patterns of karmic growth that are required for all of us that chose to be in this place and time.
~Suzanne Wagner~