We seek places to give us peace.
Knowing that there are places that enhance certain chakras and points of clarity.
But the clarity while it lives within nature to remind us.
It cannot give us what we are unwilling to seek within.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Coco the female stray is continuing to heal and doing fine. She is not willing to eat when there is the hustle and bustle of daily life happening around her. So, she is eating at night when all things are quiet.
I have a similar quality. When stressed, I sit back and wait for the chaos to subside.
As a child, I learned to (metaphorically) not put wood on any fires. Whether they are of my own creation or the manifestation of the drama that others are working through. It is best to just let the fires that are burning … burn out … eventually. Too many people in our world emotionally feed into the fires that others are burning. The result is that they burn things to the ground. And the then wonder how that happened.
Notice the fires you feed in your world. Notice if you allow your emotions to destroy things because of a lack of understanding.
Self-restraint is something learned over time and manifests if we learn to respect the boundaries of others rather than running over them because of selfish and unconscious needs.
I am forever brought back to a simple truth.
And that is that people will do exactly what they want to do at all times. We are innately a very selfish form of life.
That is why we are here learning compassion and kindness.
We look repetitively look past the obvious and only intend to do what we want. We childishly insist that what we want is more important than what another wants or what they have requested.
And even when another requests something from a place of sincerity and clarity, that person will find any way possible to work around the blockage or restriction and still get what they want and the engagement and outcome they were going for.
That is again why, I just sit back and watch while the egos of so many play a shell game thinking that I am not seeing exactly what they are doing.
It is intellectual arrogance that allows anyone to think that their obvious maneuvers are working in a sneaky and subversive way.
I watch these games that seem to never end.
I listen to the incessant demands of souls that have-to-have things their way. And I feel bad for them.
They know not the powerful freedom that is possible when a soul realizes that controlling the narrative only leaves one even more alone.
They want something to fill the emptiness from a deep-seated wound. Yet it is them that are afraid to face and move compassionately into that wound.
Getting around the requests and boundaries of others allows them to think they are smarter. Yet … that again is a type of defensive shield to avoid the deeper issues of insecurity.
~Suzanne Wagner~