July 6, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 7/7/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 6, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


While I may not hold a piece of paper that proves my education status.
I have allowed myself to read, listen, watch, and be open to information as it pours out and into this reality.

I have learned more from books of history, spirituality, and philosophy than probably most.

That is because when I dive into a subject, I become fascinated with the various viewpoints and insights that come from other ways of seeing things.

It has taught me the innate bias that is within the human mind and condition.

I know that others believe certain things and will adamantly defend them … to the death.

But that does not make them real, truthful, relevant, or important.
What is important is to do no harm.

What is important is to be kind.

What is important is to be open and curious in life.

What is important is to leave wisdom behind that inspires others to be more awake and better.

~Suzanne Wagner~


If one observes this current moment in time, we might notice how many people are leaving the planet, for one reason or another.
I know that I am at the age when people obviously begin to die and so I see this process as one that is natural and normal.
But there is something else happening.
While I cannot blame one thing, such as the pandemic, I would say that we are … as a populace, in some unknown and hard to explain global event where things are shifting at a more rapid rate.

Perhaps it is earth itself, that is shaking us off her skin like a dog tries to shake and bite off fleas and ticks.  
Clearly, we are an irritant that seems to be more of a bother than in alignment with the greater flow of life.

While I can only speculate as to the meaning of what I am observing, I cannot deny what I see with my own eyes.
Perhaps in some near future, things will make more sense and historians will have theories as to what transpired in this reality.
Perhaps we will become more awake and notice what is happening and do something very different.

But currently, there are too many consumed with their own thoughts to completely notice or embrace what is happening.

We are seeing longer term types of illnesses from those that had Covid. We are not even able to understand the progressive health problems that are arising or why.
Life continues to be crimped and pinched into narrower bands as humanity is sucking the life out of this world.
And that same humanity seems incapable of changing in the ways that will help and save the lives of our plants, animals, and resources.

I believe some (that are sensitive) are choosing to opt out of this reality as it is not a world in which they want to live any longer.

I point this out not to bring one more issue into the minds of so many struggling to just make it through another day. I do it to support consensus in constructive change.
It amazes me that we are so ensnared in our own webs of deceit and treachery that we are unable to do what is so obviously necessary.

While I cannot make others see or hear what I do, I can only try to point out the obvious and live my life with the smallest carbon footprint I know how to do.
I cannot make lifestyle choices for others.
Nor do I have the political power to reform terribly destructive and dangerous laws and the trends within our own systems of government.

I support a better world and I can only live by my own personal standards, values, and morals.
I don’t need laws to tell me to do the right thing.
I know what is right and I will continue to do my best in a peaceful, and thoughtful way.
May all beings find peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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