Nature called to me when I was a child.
Nature asked me if I was truly wild.
But I could not see the wildness through the fear.
I wanted to be safe and to have familiar things near.
Yet, she called to me with the rainbows in the sky.
And before I knew it … I believed I could fly.
Up into the colored sky with the birds.
Those places of pure feeling beyond thought and words.
In nature, there was the permission to dream.
She called to me through the forest and the stream.
She had a way that I could not deny.
She held no deception or any type of lie.
She just offered a potential of what might be.
If I was ready for my eyes to truly see.
She knew those secret places and intimate spaces.
She heard my heart and its longing graces.
She knew exactly what I needed next.
And she was forever patient and never vexed.
That is still why I listen to her to this day.
She always whispers … longing to connect and play.
She is with you too … right now if you will try.
She never left you and will never say good-bye.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Nature knows to take its time.
Nature appreciates the subtlety and rhyme.
Nature gets everything done.
Nature knows when to wait and when to run.
Everything manages to get done in its right time.
While humans think that nothing is fine.
I have spent most of my life in states of rushing, pushing, trying, and striving.
I think I finally might have learned to take my time and go at a more normal pace.
Nothing really needs to get done in the time that my mind intends.
How much I have stressed and strained against the forces that I imagined in my mind!
Now I see that I could have done it other ways. I could have stopped and enjoyed many more beautiful moments and shared peaceful places and spaces of appreciation with others if I had known then … what I know now.
It matters not when we learn something. It only matters that once we fully understand, that we completely and totally … change … for good.
~Suzanne Wagner~