January 3, 2023

Suzanne’s Poem – A River of Water

Poem – A River Of Water


A river of water is coming our way.

This is not the type to go out and play.

It is a river of water, high in the sky.

One that can make many things go awry.

Water can do some amazing things.

Water can give life when it springs

Out from the ground fresh and clear.

And especially when it is made into beer.
But this is a storm that has gathered up power.

And now it heads towards us within the hour.

We will all marvel at the force of this cleanse.

Seems mother earth requires us to bend.

We will need to change, and this storm starts us off.
Notice if others are in need of warm stroganoff.

Stay inside and keep life warm.

Best to be together when there is a storm.

Feel the wind and listen as the weather calls.
Imagine the potential that is in these squalls.

Life will bloom from the water going deep.

It goes into the soil where so many seeds sleep.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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