January 3, 2023

Suzanne’s Poem – She is a Wild Creature

Poem – She is a Wild Creature


She is a creature of wild abandon.

She is the soft caress of hard shoes on a floor.

She knows how to take one’s heart into her soul.

And fly up to the sun and bring wonder back to earth.

Dance with her and you will be forever changed.

Walk with her and all things will become different, brighter, and more interesting.

It is like stepping into the body of a wolf.

She knows so much from the smells and the sounds in her forest.

She is alert to things that humans ignore.

She is independent and confident, certain and ascertaining.

She is willing to let me walk the paths with her.

She has a drive to show what is up ahead.

I trust her because she is so wise and wily.

I love her because she is loyal and strong.

When she allows me to run with her wisdom.

I become what I knew I could be, I am ancient and young, I am eternal and fully present, and I am power wrapped in acceptance.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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