October 18, 2024

Blog – What Creates a Soul?

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 18, 2024Categories: Blog Daily

Blog – What Creates a Soul?

We think that greatness comes in random pathways. But greatness is built, step by step, piece by piece, moment by moment, and shaped by countless waves of time.

We often do not remember those moments that built our souls conscience and our attractions to certain beauties that in turn give us our gifts.

They say that it is a gift that we do not remember the myriad steps that brought us to this current level of understanding. And perhaps that is true. After all, great compassion comes from great tragedy.

In a world of duality, both sides of the experience must be embraced to create a solid foundation upon which a soul can depend and from that build to become that hidden potential within. Because in this reality, the game is always about choice.

Hidden in the annals of time are reams of information that were the building blocks that create a soul.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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