October 7, 2023

The Many Dances Out The Door

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 7, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Blog Daily

The Many Dances Out The Door

I am in Spokane. I got here safe and sound. Travel takes more effort from where I live high up in Northern California. To get to any airport, it takes hours of commitment and driving. But it is worth it for family. I am going to make cookies for the staff and those in the Memory Unit and get my mom out and about today to do those things that she wants and needs.
Time ticks by and we need to remember those that we love and care about.
I am at that age where so many of my friends are going through watching those they love dearly, begin to do the dance that will take them out the door of this life. All of those dances are different and while some are fast others are slow.
I wish for a compassionate world where the pathways home for each person is a choice that works for them and their families.
I wish for those that I love to find what makes them want to life and what gives them fulfillment and hope. I recognize that all of us will end up on this very slippery path and that leaving this world requires us to let go of everything that has given this life its meaning, depth, and supposed purpose.
But I also believe that as we exit, we realize that what will matter in the end and what we can take with us will be the love and compassion that we showed for others and ourselves.
I remind myself that it is important for us to be able to step back and objectively reevaluate our actions. Actions and intentions are not the same. While we can have good intentions … if our actions reflect our unresolved anger and resentment, we will cause harm and that will then add another layer of karma on our soul. That is why perspective is so important.
Remember, if you only ever seek things from your own perspective and through your own eyes, everything you do will seem righteous. When in reality you have lost your ability to feel into the heart and soul of anothers experience. Then your actions become determined to override another to satisfy your own needs without actually caring what you are doing or if you are hurting another.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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