February 24, 2023

The Tension Between Perception and Reality

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 24, 2023Categories: Blog Daily

The Tension Between Perception and Reality


Sometimes when one thing lifts … it can seem as if a clearing begins to happen. As one comes up for air and bursts out of the emotional domains of water, we believe (for a moment) that we are temporarily free.

That first breath after being pummeled by the deep and unrelenting drama of love … is precious.

But as the air filled my lungs and I slowly catch up to the present moment, one then sees things … what perhaps we did not really want to see in the first place.
I have found that breaking of one’s heart is the beginning of greater and deeper truths.
Breaking out of one space (in consciousness) can at times break us into another one. One that was existing even without our own total focus or awareness of it.

It is no different than that famous phrase, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it … does it make a sound?
The answer is “Yes!”

Just because we are deaf to the processes that happen outside our bubble of awareness … does not mean that those situations are not happening.
I am sure that we have all felt the tension that exists and feels like a rubber band between the polarities of perception and reality.
The tree falling does make a sound as the air is vibrating and the ground will also vibrate with the impact of the tree falling.

But some also notice that what we mean as “sound” could also mean our awareness of being conscious of that noise from the vibration of the air.

If we are not conscious … we cannot really hear anything …
Do you ever notice that your private conscious experiences make a sound in your mind, or heart?
My experience of this existence actually depends when I become aware of aspects within this reality.
And our experience is dependent upon our ability to sense what is happening through the 5 senses, taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing.
Life is about everything that happens with those five senses. How those five senses combine in our reality gives us a texture that helps define this moment, these memories, and this incarnation.

Without that sensual side of life, this world would become boring, colorless, tasteless, and empty.

Once we learn than and decide to become masters in that level of expression, that can take many more things into other places of awareness.

I find the interesting question to be, “If we were not fully consciousness seeking meaning, would we have created this physical world and … time?”
Many spiritual traditions seek to find the emptiness while here in this physical world …. that is anything … but empty.
These same traditions show us the tools to get back to that one-pointed awareness we call … consciousness.
But if consciousness did not exist, then there would be no colors or anything to stimulate the five senses to expand even further into conscious awareness.
Consciousness is the initiator and the instigator. All the things we dream of creating are manifested from our consciousness.
There are many doorways to consciousness. And I have tried a majority of them. But in the end I find that all the paths of even the sensory world can lead us back to that consciousness that is watching us move, breathe, dance, and flow in the mosaic of colors and sensual expressions that become possible.

It is all about focus and when one learns to have a focus that is so aware and profound, it too leads us back to the joys that of that eternal consciousness that is forever watchful to the creative attempts of our soul in this world to fully live and be.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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