Intuitive Patterns of the Month for July 2015
Osho Zen Tarot: Traveling, Transformation, Compromise
Medicine Cards: Antelope, Spider, Dragonfly
Mayan Oracle: Eb, Unity
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Queen of Disks, Three of Swords, Judgment
Aleister Crowley Deck: Lovers, Swiftness, Luxury
Healing Earth Tarot: Three of Rainbows, Tower, Eight of Pipes
Words of Truth: Abuse, Form, Primal
The first few weeks of July are beautiful if you wan to be in love. With the Venus conjunct Jupiter there is love in the air and the feelings of warmth and good times are infectious. So if you wanted to be bold and ask that special someone out then this would be the time.
With the Full Moon in Capricorn it is going to allow you to take even your old relationships to a new level. July 25- Sept 5 there is a Venus Retrograde in Leo so expect a few wrinkles in those plans of yours. It will be important to play your cards right and to look beyond your own needs into something bigger. Timing may feel a bit off so be patient. This will not be the time to try to force your will. Just move consciously and consistently from the place of love.
Some of you might use this energy to break up or to change the standing of your relationships, others of you will be using this time to discover and reshape your relationships into a new and more powerful place.
Regardless there is a complex spider’s web of energy being woven to bring you to the next level. Action is called for with the Antelope being in the cards and you will have to move promptly when asked to do so. Try to not get lost in the illusions of the past because from this moment on the old way is not “The” way.
Great abundance happens when you see everything in your life through the lens of the archetype of “Eb”. He is the Cosmic Cornucopia and the flow of divine abundance that is this world when you awaken to notice what is flowing and flowering right in front of you.
We have two big transformation cards this month, The Tower and the Transformation card. You are being asked to step beyond your comfort zone and into the reality of compromise. It is time to take a look at the form you have constructed your reality around. But you need to decide if it is serving you or allowing yourself to abuse you. Are you pushing when you should be enjoying?
There are also two traveling cards so it is advisable to get yourself out of that house and your old routine and go on a journey. All journeys have a spiritual quality when you allow yourself to open and be fully present in the moment. When you travel it is much more difficult to control your reality as you are in situations that are a bit foreign or not within your normal parameters of life. And that just might be a very good thing.
All and all this month is a blend of the Rainbow Serpent. It is designed to be a joyful sharing which produces happiness and abundance. But to do that you will have to bring your confidence, enthusiasm, kindness and feelings of well being together with your passion, communication, creativity, insight, and intuition. I know that might feel like I am asking a lot but in the greater flow of good will it can move effortlessly and come from the place of great healing.
This month has the potential to be a joyful dance where your soul can find its fullest expression.