March 22, 2024

Numerology for 3/23/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 22, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 3/23/2024

3/23/2024 is the number 16
3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 16
1 + 6 = 7

The number 7 loves to plan. With this Virgo Moon, it helps the number 7 and so we are enthusiastic about a plan. Now the trick is … “What is the plan?”
We are coming into a Lunar Eclipse and if you feel a bit murky around what’s next? You are not alone!
In such a moment, I try to remain as open as I can be and listen to what the universe offers up. We might be surprised as to what unfolds … as we go forward.
Eclipses are famous for that.
So, what we think is the plan … might not be the plan as we get to the crossroad.
If this all sounds a bit nebulous you would be right.
We long for a structure that makes sense and gives us a sense of purpose and patterns that seem doable … going forward.
But we live in a world where the changes happening come in waves that bring confusion and strife rather than comfort and solace.
This is why, today, seek those ways that are of comfort to you. Find patterns that are soothing and familiar. Let go of trying to figure out things that just intend to defy logic or a sense of peace.
Such things are not worth the effort that they require of us. It is up to us to know that and then remove those situations, people, and circumstances that just thrive on upset, fear, and chaos.
Life is just too short to worry about problems created by confused individuals with the intention of controlling us through fear.
When we have a plan, it automatically reduces the stress and the fear because both of those are first created in the mind. These are destructive patterns of the mind based on not having answers. Whereas, when we have a plan, the mind can relax a bit because it feels as if we have a strategy that might work for us going forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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