March 30, 2024

Numerology for 3/31/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 30, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 3/31/2024

3/31/2024 is the number 15
3 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 15
1 + 5 = 6

The number 6, spiritually calls to our soul. We are trying to recognize that while miracles do happen, often the greatest miracle is when something shifts our perception of things. Moments and events cause us to come together and address certain things that were on the back burner for too long. We go on spiritual quests to open us back up, not necessarily to give us answers. Yet, when we are opened up, answers naturally appear. We see through another angle of perception. We learn that our choices in the past might have been limited in their options. Those new options now can lead us to new levels of awareness. And that is a very good thing.
I believe our spiritual side is always trying to get our attention. But when our ego is too loud, we are deaf to those messages. That is why spiritual practices of all sorts talk about the ego and learning to put less importance in opinions because they are always the domain for the ego to act out.
Today, try to listen to what your highest self is trying to say. Let go of needing to know and instead just be open to see what is trying to come in. I believe angels whisper to us all the time but too often our eyes are not open, our ears cannot hear, and our mouth is too busy talking to recognize the deeper wisdom that is trying to come forth.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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