June 5, 2024

Numerology for 6/6/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 5, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 6/6/2024

6/6/2024 is the number 20
6 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 20
2 + 0 = 2

Today is a number 2 and as such we are asked to be careful in not overanalyzing things or being hyper-critical of others. It is easy to find fault, but it is much harder to help others find solutions. Blaming and pointing fingers never really gets us anywhere.

I hope for a world where differences are celebrated and embraced as unique and supportive of the diversity that exists in this world that allows for such profound forms of creative expression.

There is not just right or wrong. Each person is on a journey that is designed to help them open, grow, and embrace this body and this DNA’s expression.

When we use the number 2 negatively … it can become quite cruel and hurtful. Is that the legacy one wants to leave behind?

I know that I want to be one of those very sweet old ladies, that is awake and alert, with a twinkle in her eyes and a knowing smile that recognizes the patterns that others are unfolding. And I want to see those younger than me as if they are on a wonderful journey to discover who and what they came to be. I want to see each individual as a powerful movie unfolding and that I get to witness and experience some of that process with them.

I hope to have trained my mind to be intelligent but kind, compassionate and present. I hope to be a person that others feel safe with in asking for my advice and I hope to have enough wisdom to share something in those moments that helps or makes a difference.

I dream of a world where we do not have to be the same. I dream of a world where the mind is there to support the soul’s journey … not to erode confidence and a soul’s potential.

But I know that we cannot become that unless we learn to listen to those inner voices and become kind to ourselves first.

Compassion is born in the fires of discord. It is the soft ash that is left after the burning away of ego. It is the sweet curling smoke of the fire as we free ourselves from the rules of man and instead embrace our potential, finally freed from right and wrong.

Compassion is born when we finally understand that all choices eventually lead us home.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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