February 3, 2025

Numerology for February 4, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 3, 2025Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for February 4, 2025

2/4/2025 is the number – 15
2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 15
1 + 5 = 6

Today is the number 6 and I am going to consider and explore those deeper aspects within my own being. The number 6 day is a perfect day to try that out. It is after all the seeker, the meditator, the sadhu, and those that want to explore their deepest selves in this life.

This is not always what the masses want to do. They do not always want to see that what is outside is a reflection of what is inside that has been suppressed and hidden. We do not want to look at our shadow selves. We do not want to think that we have at times been a bad person. We prefer to live in our bubble that wants to believe that our assumptions are always correct, our biases are always appropriate and justified, and our negativity is honorable as we believe we need to make others wrong or bad in order to make ourselves feel good.

The number 6 is the only path I know that allows the soul to objectively look within, not in an accusatory way but in a way that is about revelation and finding clarity. We cannot become our best self if we deny and go unconscious when our worst self comes out.

The number 6 is the most effective when we are in discomfort. And right now, the world is in tremendous discomfort. Everyone is upset and out of sorts. Our world is having convulsions and that is the impetus for us to dive deep to find another answer and another path.

While we want the external to change, we always have to start with our own internal state of being first. It matters less what the external world is doing and more about what our internal state of being is and our response to those externals.

Today, remember the power that is within you. Do those things that allow you to get back in touch with that beautiful and magical person that you are. Know that when you take the personal time and make the effort to step away from world events and get back to those places and things that really matter, you will naturally find the happiness you seek.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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