Numerology for January 1, 2025
1/1/2025 is the number – 11
1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 11
1 + 1 = 2
Today is the number 11 or the number 2. I find it interesting that at the beginning of the new year we have two one’s for New Beginning, an eleven which is about transcending the old and taking risk, and the number two which is about Negative Mind or Critical Mind. What is clear to me is that we have a choice as to how we move into 2025.
While 2025 is a Nine which is a number of completion, it is clear that we enter into this year with much that seems to need completing. That can make some fall into the Negative Mind and see only gloom and doom but with the two number ones it seems to indicate that completion will require us to transcend the old and somehow embrace leaping off a cliff of our old reality.
If you feel concerned, confused, and as if things seem … complicated, I am sure you are not alone. What lies ahead of us is a lot to consider, even more to figure out, and we are moving into an unknown future without any training wheels as a safety net.
This is where the number 11 seems so significant. The eleven is a number that is so desperate for change that it will leap before it looks. I think there will be a lot of that over this next year. But the number eleven is also about a longing to be free of the constraints that seem to be imposed upon us and it is that spark that intends to light a fire. This is a number of wildness, and I expect this to be a year that will go down into the history books as one of the wildest we have ever seen.
This will be a year where in each moment we will get to choose whether we experience it as mayhem or magic. I am sure many will experience moments of both.
Attitude is everything in life. Embrace all the change and open your mind beyond your old expectations and attachments. Know that we are here to grow. And 2025 is going to be about rapid growth on all levels.
~Suzanne Wagner~