July 29, 2024

Numerology for July 30, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 29, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for July 30, 2024

7/30/2024 is the number 18
7 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 18

1 + 8 = 9

The number 9 heightens our intuition and our creative expressions. Life without depth is empty. Life without allowing that inner voice to have a space to create and expand … makes life boring. Boredom is an outcome of unexpressed rage. But that rage is directed inward because of a souls lack of knowing how to let it out and allow it to have its say in the world.

Today is that day to let something out. Know that when something has been suppressed for a long time, at first it comes out in inappropriate ways. But the more you find spaces to let it out … where there is permission to fail and permission to try, the more mature and finely tuned it becomes.

Few of us are born, Mozarts! Most of us are a work in progress. We learn to use words, then sentences, then to create paragraphs, and finally create stories. But those stories must also be finely tuned because from that place it can take us decades or lifetimes to understand Shakespeare or be able to become one.

Today is a practice day. Practice your inner passion. Let that creative side out. Don’t sit there doing the same habitual things to hide your inner rage and boredom. Instead, take a few risks and give some of those things that interest you a try. Be willing to fail and learn in the process. Recognize that to be great at anything one must do it over ten thousand times to become a master in that expression.

Besides, it is the journey that is the real gift. It is the journey that allows us to meet and engage with others of like mind and those that are teachers to us in the process.
Today, reflect on your own journey that has gotten you to this point. Recognize how much you have changed and how much more aware you are. The game is always to find ways to bring more of yourself fully into being.

Inside you, is an untapped treasure trove of magnificent gifts just longing to be discovered.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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