Numerology for July 6, 2024
7/6/2024 is the number 21
7 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 21
2 + 1 = 3
With the Number 3 we look ahead to a positive outcome. While that can be challenging in moments, we must believe that the voices of reason will be stronger than the voices of zealots.
I know something after living this long on the planet. There is always hope. There will always be more good people in this world than bad. There will always be a correction to chaos. There is always a moment to celebrate this life.
Today, being the number 3, it wants us to see the good and for a time put the bad to the side. That does not mean we ignore the bad in the world, but everyone needs a break from the density and the turmoil.
When we seek and cultivate joy we learn to be more fully in the moment. Density and fear make us contract and pull back from life. It causes us to retreat out of fear and anger. That does not allow the beauty of this life to filter in and balance out the negativity.
Openness allows for wonder and joy. Openness allows us to breathe and find what is still good in the world. And there is so much that is very beautiful in this world.
Not allowing in that which is wonderful and beautiful to come into our awareness … makes us hardened, sarcastic, and a downer to be around. Only further isolating us from the goodness that is possible.
There is goodness inside you. There is goodness in this world. Today, give it a chance to get out and get some fresh air.
~Suzanne Wagner~