April 21, 2024

Poem – Truth Mends Broken Hearts

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 21, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – Truth Mends Broken Hearts

The ice is melting around our hearts.
We did not realize that the choices of others played such a part.
We think in life that everything is up to us.
But there are vengeful feelings that refuse to get off the bus.

I learned a powerful piece of insight that took me by surprise.
It showed me that when I was younger that what I had surmised.
Was not the truth though it had been hidden from sight.
And the worst disappointment of my youth that caused so much pain and plight.

Had nothing to do with me as it was a power play.
Egos that wanted one thing that was clearly on display.
But grudges die hard and powerful people want their pound of flesh.
In my generation young girls in ballet were not much more than lovely meat so fresh.

Now, I know the reasons I was blocked.
Because one man did not get what he wanted, then I got knocked.
Fame is luck with talent mixed in.
Because of this game, I had to find another way to begin.

I thank the Russian teachers who had such a pull.
I knew they were essential to make my empty glass full.
They saw the fire that burned in my eyes.
They knew the unfairness playing out … even disguised.

Now, I finally know that that moment had nothing to do with me.
Now I know the truth and that sets me free.
Never let the perceptions of someone in power determine your fate.
It is often a door that will lead to a miraculous gate.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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