June 17, 2023

Poem –Magic Hides Behind the Purple Doors

Poem –Magic Hides Behind the Purple Doors


Magic hides behind the purple doors.

It lurks in the shadows that cannot be ignored.

It lures us in with promises so sweet.

It is an elixir that cannot be beat.


Magic is always behind the purple doors.

It is hidden in basements and messy drawers.

It is always those moments that one cannot explain.

For some … that unknown causes lots of pain.


Magic is always behind the purple doors.

It is a light that cannot be ignored.

Just beyond the scope of our sight.

Purple is an energy of pure delight.


Magic is always behind the purple doors.

It belongs to no one and is never yours.

But it lives in the spaces between time.

It calls to us when we are dragged through the grime.


Magic is always behind the purple doors.

It never goes away and constantly underscores.

What is important for us to notice.

And reminds us to seek that forbidden lotus.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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