May 22, 2023

Poem – Make Each Moment A Prayer

Poem – Make Each Moment a Prayer

In this tapestry of life, a journey we weave,

A story unfolding, uniquely conceived.

Reflect on the path that is yours to own,

Embrace every twist, and every seed that has been sown.


For in this voyage, where highs and lows entwined,

Profound lessons were taught, to become treasures when combined.

Cherish each fragment that tried its best,

You only need to follow the compass within your chest.


In patterns of struggle, that is where great teachings reside,

They are not always smooth, so expect a bumpy ride.

Know that hurdles will arise, that call you to come over,

They are loud whispers much like the game, Red Rover.


Oh, I’ve sought hidden doors with eyes open wide,

On hands and knees, I searched till I have cried.

Bruised and bloodied, from efforts so vast,

Even collapsing before the breakthrough, that did finally come at last.


And in some moments, love turned to strife,

I showed my worst self, got lost in my own fight.

But when we learn to move beyond desires and need,

True wisdom emerges, because truth will forever intercede.


In the mud and mess, where patterns reside,

Wisdom seeks you, even though it pretends to hide.

Look past the façade, and what you think you know,

Embrace your own depths, where insights do grow.


Appreciate the journey, that is uniquely your own,

Only when you have gratitude for every lesson shown.

Will you appreciate how this life was woven with great care,

It was this life’s purpose to make each moment a prayer.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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