March 27, 2023

Poem – Something Waits For Your Heart To Let Go.

Poem – Something Waits For Your Heart To Let Go

Deep within the soul, there’s a yearning.

To break out of the comfort that we’ve been learning.

It tells us to let go of the fears that we hold.

And embrace the wildness of something ancient and old.


Our inner song beats with a steady rhythm.

But sometimes it needs to break out of the system.

The tempo of our life looks for joy and glee.

It seeks another octave that can set us free.


Let Go! And find the light.

That lives inside where darkness delights.


We’re not meant to stay in our comfort zone.

We need to grow, to expand, to fly, and to roam.

There are moments to let our wildness take the control.

That is the only way to find the great heights of our soul.


It’s time to unleash some inner fire.

And let our passions take us higher.

When we learn to dance to the beat of our own drum.

Then our wildness will lead us to another outcome.


Let light become a powerful force.

That will lead you towards a deeper source.


Something exists beyond our comfort zone.

And that is still a place that can feel like home.

Your soul is calling you to find the way.

To see what is past the games the mind wants to play.


Hear the song that rings in your ears.

Let it pull you past all those fears.

Bring your heart back into the dance.

Life is a passion that entices us to take a chance.


Listen closely and discover where the safety clings.

And allow the symphony of the soul to give this life wings.


Let Go! And find delight.

That lives in the places of darkest and plight.


Let constraint become the intention for change.

Let the wildness expand as it intends to rearrange.


Listen closely and hear your soul’s call.

And let go of the fear that you might fail or fall.


Because on the other side is something greater than you know.

It waits for the moment when your heart will finally let go.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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