June 19, 2023

Poem – The Future is a Canvas

Poem – The Future is a Canvas


In the depths of despair, where hope seems concealed,

Whispers of doubt echo, wounds yet to be healed.

Voices lost in silence, yearning to be heard,

But strength lies in the action, expressed in every single word.


For silence won’t bring solace when hope starts to fade,

It’s only through initiative that darkness can be swayed.

Embrace the right path, let it guide your weary soul,

For it holds the key to liberation’s toll.


In the depths of the night, worries cloud our dreams,

Yet the watchful eyes of God will sew the broken seams.

Stillness may enfold us, but the Divine does not rest,

Guiding us, urging us to give life our very best.


To those who cannot dream, the future appears grim,

A haunting specter, a melancholic, daunting hymn.

But courage sets aflame the heart’s burning fire,

Illuminating paths to which others may aspire.


The future is a canvas, for a soul’s infinite expanse,

Reserved for the valiant, who have the courage to advance.

Believe in oneself, for that’s where dreams take flight,

Transforming the impossible into realms of pure delight.


Fear not, dear soul, of the mysteries yet unknown,

The future still holds wonders, waiting to be shown.

With bravery as armor, and hope as your guide,

Embrace the boundless future, where many dreams collide.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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