January 30, 2024

Astrology for 1/31/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 30, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 1/31/2024

The Moon in Libra wants to balance things out. Harmony is the focus as we try to find a way out of the stressors of our current reality. Today, fairness counts in a multitude of ways. Compromise is essential to allow us to find a new balance that includes peaceful resolution.
This is a day when we learn to consider others a bit more and put our own egocentric self to the side, for a moment.
Mercury and Venus are moving into parallel. We are looking for ways to connect with others on a deeper level by finding shared ideas, dreams, and desires.
The Moon will align with the South Node, so notice if you have any habits of losing yourself in others or feeling as if your voice is less heard in the presence of certain people, know that you have some work to do on boundaries. Remember to speak with confidence and care. Know that your heart is learning how to share in ways that are not codependent or needy.
The Moon will square to Mars and that can make some become quickly irritated over small things. Especially things that feel disruptive and combative. Let’s use this energy to get things going and to move thoughts into concrete actions. That way, this moment can become the most positive it can be.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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