February 17, 2024

Astrology for 2/18/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 17, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/18/2024

The Moon in Gemini keeps us smiling and our heart bright. Connecting with others is very important to our overall well-being. The smiles and connection distract from the fact that our concentration is not great today. But at least we are having fun.
The Moon will go into Cancer later this evening. So, tomorrow is a day that we will be more focused on family and those we love.
In the meantime, Vesta and Mercury will trine later today and that will help us have a unique type of awareness around something that matters to us. This aspect brings more fun into the mix, and we have the ability to focus on what matters to us in the moment.
Distractions will pull us off that focus easily, so remember to turn off your phone, close the door, and put up a sign that says, “Do not Disturb!”
This evening the Sun will leave Aquarius and move into Pisces. It will be there till March 19th. For the next month, the dreams want to lead the way and we feel more compassionate towards others. While motivated action is not what seems interesting, we are more than willing to let the feelings flow and let our imagination carry us away. We have the attitude to just let things be. We do not want to push the river and instead we might want to focus of loving ourselves and devoting more time to our own dreams and self-awareness.
Be careful to not fall into the trap of avoiding situations or beating ourselves up with our own minds. We are to learn how to trust and allow the flow. We are trying to let others find their own path. Remember to recognize where others are at and know that while we may want to trust, know that trust should be earned.
We are less interested in solving complicated problems and more interested in just weeding out those people and things that no longer work for us at this time.
Follow those feelings of connection and those things that matter to you. That is where we will find the greatest prosperity and the most incentive.
Today is a great retreat day. I like to turn my house into the spa. We give each other massages, and bubble baths with wonderful smells and candles. It is the perfect way to find the peace this moment is seeking.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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