February 22, 2024

Astrology for 2/23/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 22, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/23/2024

While the Moon finishes up in Leo, be brave and bold. Enjoy the expansion and the positive energy while it lasts.
This evening the tide will turn, and the Moon will go into Virgo bringing more thought into our actions.
We are setting up for the Full Moon tomorrow, so know emotions are running high. Try to keep calm and use the Virgo Moon to bring logic from the mind and put it into a spread sheet that you can refer back to so that we can have a plan and use that plan effectively.
Much is coming into the light, and it is wise to embrace all things as they come into our vision. Much needs to change and the momentum to do just that is finally coming our way.
Mercury shifts into Pisces today and it will be driving our thinking and speaking till March 10th. Mercury is a rational, mental, left-brained planet but Pisces is completely at the other end of the spectrum.
I believe that this can allow us to let go of how we have been processing information and instead allow in more intuitive and creative ways to integrate what is happening currently in our world.
Allow more color into your life. Perhaps it is time to put some fresh coats of paint up and bring in a new color scheme. It can be amazing how when we rearrange our world, we also rearrange our mind with it. Remember to allow things to flow and to not try to remake something from your past.
It is time to allow in something new that desires to be a part of your future.
Let labels go. Let judgments go. See that both of those limit your experiences in life and actually become blocks to finding more joy and happiness.
The bottom line is that life rolls from a more intuitive place and actually bends and breaks more rules than we like to admit. We are not in a logical time or moment. We are being asked to allow in impressions and to follow those deeper whispers.
While the mind may feel as if it just can’t take in one more thing. The body and the heart always have enough room, and the desire to expand into new and uncharted domains of expression and existence.
Let the mind go and allow your soul to reclaim how to feel into the flow.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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