December 16, 2023

Chinese Astrology – Year of the Wood Dragon – February 29th, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 16, 2023Categories: Astrology Yearly

Chinese Astrology – Year of the Wood Dragon – February 29th, 2024

Most of the Chinese symbols are real animals. But the dragon is a mythical animal, and it lives outside the realms of the physical world. This is an animal that has a very broad reach for something that intends to bring our awareness to things outside our normal reality.
It awakens us to shift and believe in the possibilities and it gives us fuel for some idealistic dreams. It helps us define what we need to do to make this world better.
For this reason, it is a powerful symbol that emerges at this time as we fully go into the Aquarian Age. The Aquarius model wants us to care for this world and each other. The Dragon is a harbinger for warning us that the chaos that mankind creates threatens to drag creation back into nothingness.

It powerfully comes in this year to mark a sacred moment and to tell us that we need to recognize the hidden forces of energy that are trying to break down what is good in the world.
The Dragon Year is a call for mankind to step into our greatness.
Dragons holds a lot of power, but power can be used for doing great things … or terrible ones. It will be up to us to determine how we allow this powerful energy to move us throughout this year.
This Year of the Dragon is here to free us from our stuckness, and the power of this creature intends to shatter the old, burn it to ash, and remind us that we need to believe in ourselves before we can trust others or the words coming out of their mouths.
As this is the year of the Wood Dragon, I expect this year intends to burn to the ground the structures that no longer serve. We are here to rebuild which also means that there will be many forms of cosmic destruction. Terrible forces are going to be unleashed and this will  show up as natural phenomena or man-made conflict.
The year of the Dragon is also called the Year of the Snake, because many cultures showed the earliest images of dragons as snake-like creatures and snakes have always held a magical energy and they are an emblem of the other worlds or the underworlds. But they are all about taking negatives and transforming them into positives.
In Asian cultures, the Dragon is associated with good fortune and is seen as auspicious.
While I would love for this sentinel of power and goodness to lead us out of this darkness and into the light, I know too much about the current astrology for 2024 to fall for the classic candy-coated story line of the Dragon.
As a synthesizer of sacred tools for my entire life I believe our society has matured past the idealistic beliefs around these powerful symbols and is ready for us to look much deeper.
While many cultures see snakes as powerful tools for transformation (and I believe that 2024 is exactly that), I am reminded that 2024 is also an 8 in numerology and as such it is an ancient Egyptian symbol of the snake eating its tail (the Ouroboros). This fact, points to the metaphor of beginnings and endings. And the astrology is amplifying that in spades for 2024. The forces of planets being at the end degrees of signs (29 degrees) and then squaring, sextiling, or opposing planets in other signs at 0 degrees (which is the beginning) is no accident. Add to the fact that we are also in an 8 year (a snake eating its tail), and the Dragon year (a serpent) and the writing is clearly on the wall.
In the Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot, this image (of the snake eating its tail) is the Two of Disks (change). The meaning of this card is a reminder that the door is closing. On something and if we do not choose quickly, we may miss an opportunity. It asks us to let go of fear and allow the Angel of Change to assist in this shift. It warns that resisting change will cause us to be torn away from the old reality in a much more painful way. It warns that the safety currently created is in danger of being destroyed.
I am reminded of the Thomas Carlyle quote, “By nature man hates change; seldom will he quit his old home till it has actually fallen around his ears.”
In Egyptian Mythology, Apep or Apophis was a giant serpentine creature who existed in the realm of the dead and could only be seen just below the horizon. This reminds us that there are many things being hidden from us and going on below the surface. We are not being shown everything and we must remain alert to those pieces in the darkness coming into the light. Apep was born from Ra’s umbilical cord and was the opponent of light. Notice those souls that intend to destroy what is good in the world. It will be up to us to not let them destroy the light.
In the Zoastrian culture from Iran and Persia, they considered the Dragon/Serpent to be the embodiment of sin, greed, lust, and the endless spiritual battle for the souls of mankind.
I find it interesting that currently we are dealing with a conflict in the Middle East, that has been fueled and fed by Iran. What is interesting to me are all the messages that the universe tries to give us in many forms, so that eventually we see the interconnection and learn to choose things more wisely.
Is seems 2024 is an ancient, epic battle for the souls of mankind … once again.
We see Dragons as breathing fire, and when they open their mouths toxic gases and flames erupt, killing everything in their path and causing great swaths of destruction. How will that impact cities, countries, and nations this year?
I can’t help but create an association with those currently in positions of power (the world over) that seem to be evil dragons creating toxicity and destruction in our world. We see too many holding powerful roles that spew and fester words of hatred … over unity. Notice those that intentionally cause constriction and fear … over freedom.
I believe that this Green Dragon comes to countermand the destructive patterns of these human dragons and turn the tide back to a more nature-oriented viewpoint that shows us the mirror of our own disowned destructive patterns.
The Hindu-Buddhist serpent deities were known as Naga’s and were responsible for eclipses, earthquakes, floods, rain, and wind.
I believe this is also a metaphor for getting us to pay attention to our global warming problem and how we are creating destructive events because of our inability to stop industries that pollute our world.
This year of the Wood Dragon points to the solar eclipses that will happen on April 8th, 2024 and again on October 2nd, 2024. They are trying to give us a warning of unexpected events that are yet to come. The April eclipse moves completely across the East Coast of the United States.
In this powerful year of the Dragon, I wonder if we have become the dragons of greed and gluttony, hanging on to our voracious appetites and hording things rather than learning to share.
We are clearly in a time where powerful forces are attempting to get our attention.
This will be a tremendous year of change … but everyone better put on their fire suits because a battle has already begun, and the outcome is not assured.
It is time to let your dragon out. It is time to allow this power inside you to get some air and find a place that it feels free to fly and roam. We are going to need all the good dragons to wake up to stop the terrible destructive intentions of a few bad ones.
Terrible times show us what we are made of … and what we actually stand for.
This Green Wood Dragon asks us to stand with nature and stop the pillaging of our world’s resources.
It is now up to you to decide where you want to put your faith and trust. My suggestion is to trust the powerful forces of good in the world and stand tenaciously behind them. Create such a solid wall that those that try to play terrible games realize that they are drastically outnumbered.
Currently I plan to stand with the Wood Dragon because she stands for life rather than death. She stands for a world in a better balance rather than supporting the few with the deepest pockets.
Unchain your inner dragon and allow him or her to reclaim the power that is their right. You will be better off for embracing this mythical self and that is how we allow this world more freedom to express our wildness.
May the dreams of the Wood Dragon become the norm in our society and may we all find ways to allow the power inside to be expressed constructively. Together we can make this world a better and more balanced place.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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